Milota, Quotes

06-May-2024 Monday
Everything affects everything. In this Universe, when one thing changes, everything changes. Hence the great power of man to change the world by changing himself

05-May-2024 Sunday
When there is a smile on the face of the loser, victory does not bring joy to the winner.

02-May-2024 Thursday
We are all born from stardust, and every step on our path is a dance with the cosmos, in which we learn to be a light for ourselves and others.

01-January-2024 Monday
Go towards your goals and you will reach it!

08-May-2023 Monday
"In heaven, only talk about the sea ...". The photo is cute, but the quote adds sadness

09-April-2023 Sunday
What you need to do to be free from anxiety

18-January-2022 Tuesday
But I used to do memes.. What happened to me?.. Got to the cute postcards

10-January-2022 Monday
How can you argue?

02-September-2021 Thursday

23-July-2021 Friday
It is immediately clear who is the owner of the house)

05-October-2015 Monday
Treasure your soulmate

15-October-2014 Wednesday
Quote from the movie "The End of the Romance". Maybe someone will come in handy.

15-February-2014 Saturday
I shed a tear...God, it was wonderful

25-January-2014 Saturday
If the fox is confused about the number of its paws and tails, it may have fallen in love.
